SQL Single Row Functions
Single Row Fuctions:
Single row functions are also called aggregate functions.
Single row functions return only one row when they are executed.
Sample Table
Doctor_id | Name | Fee |
D101 | John | 10000 |
D102 | Peter | 20000 |
D103 | Nash | 30000 |
D104 | Andrew | 25000 |
D105 | Smith | 15000 |
select sum(fee) as fee_total from doctor
Sum function will return the total fee from all rows
fee_total |
100000 |
Min function returns the smallest value from all rows for the column specified
select min(fee) as minimum_fee from doctor
minimum_fee |
10000 |
Max function returns the maximum value from all rows for the column specified
select max(fee) as maximum_fee from doctor
maximum_fee |
30000 |
Count function returns the total number of rows in the table
select count (doctor_id) as total_doctors from doctor
total_doctors |
5 |
Avg() function return the average from row specified.Avg() functions --is applied on numeric values
select avg(fee)as Average_Fee from doctor
Average_Fee |
20000 |
Some Other Functions:
Top function returns top rows which you specify in sql statement
select top 3 * from doctor
Returns top 3 rows
Doctor_id | Name | Fee |
D101 | John | 10000 |
D102 | Peter | 20000 |
D103 | Nash | 30000 |
Upper() function converts the column value to lower case it is appled on character values
select name,upper(name) as Uppercase from doctor
Name | Uppercase |
Andrew | ANDREW |
John | JOHN |
Nash | NASH |
Peter | PETER |
Smith | SMITH |
Lower() function converts the column value to upper case applied on charcter values
select name,lower(name) as Lowercase from doctor
Name | Lowercase |
Andrew | andrew |
John | john |
Nash | nash |
Peter | peter |
Smith | smith |
Left function selects left words of a column.It takes two argument first is column name and second is number of words to select from column.
select doctor_id,left(doctor_id,2)as leftwords from doctor
This will select two words from left of doctor_Id
Doctor_Id | Leftwords |
D101 | D1 |
D102 | D1 |
D103 | D1 |
D104 | D1 |
D105 | D1 |
Similarly you can select words from right side of a column like this.
select doctor_id,right(doctor_id,2)as rightwords from doctor
Substring function returns a substirng from a string.It takes 3 arguments
1 .Column Name or string
2.Starting Position
3.Ending Position
select name, substring(name,1,3) as substring from doctor
This will select a substring for each row from name column starting from 1st position to 3rd position.
Name | substring |
Andrew | And |
John | Joh |
Nash | Nas |
Peter | Pet |
Smith | Smi |
Charindex function returns the index of a specific character from a string. It takes two arguments
1. Character for which index is required
2. Column Name or string
select name,charindex('n',name) as IndexNo from doctor
This will get index for character ‘n’ from name column for every row.The row which does not contain character ‘n’ 0 will be the charindex from those rows.
Name | IndexNo |
Andrew | 2 |
John | 4 |
Nash | 1 |
Peter | 0 |
Smith | 0 |
Reverse function reverses a string. It takes only one argument which is any column you want to reverse or you can specify a string as argument.
select name,reverse(name)as Reverse Name from doctor
This will reverse name column values.
Name | Reverse Name |
Andrew | werdnA |
John | nhoJ |
Nash | hsaN |
Peter | reteP |
Smith | htimS |
Len function gets length of a string in as total number of characters in the string.
select name, len(name) as NoOfCharacters from doctor
This will get total number of characters in from the name column for each row.
Name | NoOfCharacters |
Andrew | 6 |
John | 4 |
Nash | 4 |
Peter | 5 |
Smith | 5 |
Replace function replaces an existing word to a new word. It requires three arguments
1. Column name or string
2. Character to be replaced
3. New Character to be placed
select name, replace(name,'a','e') as ReplacedCharacter from doctor
This will replace the character ‘a’ from every where ‘a’ exists in name column with character ‘e’ .
Name | ReplacedCharacter |
Andrew | endrew |
John | John |
Nash | Nesh |
Peter | Peter |
Smith | Smith |
To remove spaces from left or right from a column trim function is used.
To remove spaces from left or right from a column trim function is used.
Ltrim(column name) This removes spaces from left
Rtrim(column name) This removes spaces form right.
select name, ltrim(name) as RemovedSpacesLeft from doctor
select name, rtrim(name) as RemovedSpacesright from doctor
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